Adapting to the At-Home Economy

With convenient, safe, delivered product experiences.

We know dealers are experiencing a sharp decline in showroom traffic. After years of development and thousands of delivered product experiences, here are our best practices for delivering a safe and effective at-home product experience to your customers.

Please connect with us to learn how our solution or our experience can help you adapt to kee your business moving forward. 

Succeeding in the At-Home Economy

A Roadmap for Connecting to Customers on Their Terms


This isn't just an off-site product or service experience, it's a new way of connecting with your customers.



Leverage your existing channels to promote and support this new concept.



Stay in communication with your customers before, during and after the delivery.



Doppler users tell us they chose the service because it is new and different, you are on their turf, it's best to let them guide you.



Recognize and communicate that this is a new service and you want to partner with the customer to make it perfect for them.


Anywhere. Anytime.

Doppler Automotive enables true, consumer-first, multi-dimensional retailing for OEMs and dealers through anywhere, anytime brand and product experiences. The Doppler platform combines a proprietary reservation and dispatch system with a national network of delivery agents to provide a seamless integration of online shopping and live vehicle experiences.

Let's Talk

Please provide your name, contact info and the reason for inquiry and we'll be in touch soon!

"In order to thrive in today's marketplace you need solutions that are best for the customer, drive sales for the dealers, and achieve the brand objectives of the OEM — all seamlessly. I see all that in Doppler."

– Jim Press, Auto industry executive, retailer and AVC Capital Board Member

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